
Brombil is one of the very special tea factory located in the low country as its one of very few low country factories produce CTC tea. Generally, Bombril produces 35% of CTC tea from its total production. Also, Brombil has the largest capacity (19M kg of green leaf) and the largest production (350,000 kg of made tea) among all Evergreen factories. Bombril also was a then non-operative factory (under the purview of a famous regional tea plantation company), but secured a rapid growth under the Evergreen management since its absorption in 2008.


In order to ensure a least damage on environment, Brombil has taken various steps to minimize energy wastage. Its uses alternative fuel (saw dust, paddy husk) for the drying process while using a capacity bank for the safe electricity usage. Also, the use of 5S management practices enables Bombril to ensure the maximum use of resources. A fully automated manufacturing process has reduced the labour cost while ensuring a standard manufacturing. Computerized bought leaf weighing system also ensured the smooth processing of the plant.


Although, Bombril is new to Evergreen family, its staff welfare schemes and leaf suppliers’ support system is very well follows the Evergreen standards which in turn could be the success of Bombril within few years.

Brombil Tea Factory Profile


leaf Location: Pelawatta, Matugama
leaf Year started: 2008
leaf Capacity: 12,000 green leaf per day
leaf Bought leaf (2012): 20,000,000 kg
leaf Production: 350,000 MT per month
leaf Main grades: OPA,PEKOE,FBOP,FBOPF,OP,
leaf Employment: 501
leaf Green leaf suppliers  8000


Contact US:

Telephone (+94) 34-4923 061
Fax (+94) 34-4623 059
E-mail brombilotc@bellmail.lk