
Being the oldest member of Evergreen tea factories, the Evergreen Tea Factory, has been gradually evolved into the leading tea factory of the Galle district. Having fully equipped with modern machinery with a qualified workforce, at present, Evergreen Tea Factory holds about 190,000 kg of made tea production with the capacity of handling 6,300 kg of green leaf per day.

Similar to all other low grown producers, Evergreen is famous for its leafy grade teas, which makes a strong brew, and has a continuous demand mainly from Middle East countries and Russia.

Evergreen Tea Factory is mainly based on bought leaf of smallholders and in turn serves them with a competitive price, loans for replanting on installment basis pay-backs, fertilizer issuing on an installment basis pay-backs, good quality tea nursery plants from sister tea gardens based on an easy pay scheme etc.

In addition, Evergreen has put up a system to identify and sort quality green leaf and their providers and help needy leaf suppliers a professional extension services to improve their green leaf conditions. This in turn is vital to maximize the quality standards of made tea. Also, Evergreen has already won HACCP, CQC One Star, ISO 22000, and Ethical Tea Partnership international standards.

Evergreen is very conscious about the preservation of our nature for tomorrow and hence, takes necessary action to enhance environmental protection activities or avoid any harm to the nature. Thus, it has introduced a fully fledged bio-gas unit to discard all waste of the plant and then use the energy production back to the factory needs.

Evergreen Tea Factory Profile


leaf Location: Horangalla, Talgaswala
leaf Year started: 1984
leaf Capacity: 6,300 green leaf per day
leaf Bought leaf (2012): 10,000,000 kg
leaf Production: 196,000 MT per month
leaf Main grades: OPA,PEKOE,FBOP,FBOPF,OP,OPA,
leaf Employment: 435
leaf Green leaf suppliers  6000


Contact US:


(+94) 91-2296 988 , (+94) 91-2296 989 , (+94) 91-2296 543

Fax (+94) 91-2296 990
E-mail evertea@sltnet.lk